Group 6 1 min Read


Lauren Zerbey

Primer finally went up on the north wall last weekend which meant we could try out our paint samples. Below are the four finalists (they start to repeat above that). The winner…the darker blue gray at the bottom. The color is from Benjamin Moore and it’s called “soot”. We also liked how it went with the white trim paint and the dark brown windows. Check out the newly updated exterior page for more photos of what we’ve been up to. And please let us know what you think of the new site. Is there anything that’s not working, looks wonky, or is hard to read? We’d appreciate any and all input. Thanks!


We narrowed it down to the bottom two, then decided that we liked the richer, darker version best.


Thanks to the help of our awesome neighbor and professional painting expert, Deb, she and I were able to prime the north side in just one afternoon (and a big thanks to Dustin for getting the ball rolling the day before!). Even though it’s just tinted primer, it’s such a huge change already!