Group 6 1 min Read

kitchen visualization

Lauren Zerbey

Now that the walls and ceiling are gone, it’s easier to visualize what the future space is going to be like. On demo day we joked that it was looking more and more like our Sketchup model, so I thought it would be fun to do a quick overlay to show how we’ll go from bare studs to a finished space.

Above is where we’re at now – we’ll be adding new ceiling framing to create the “mini vault” over the kitchen/dining area as seen in the composite image below…

We’ll also be adding those two skylights and window behind the table. Natural dayllight!

Above is a current rendering of the space. (The white piece jutting out at the lower left hand corner will be some type of shelf/guardrail that separates the basement stair from the rest of the space while providing additional storage.) The sliding doors on the left hand side are for the bedroom and bathroom.

We’ve got a ways to go but it’s certainly motivating to think about the finished product! Maybe I’ll do a similar post looking at the other side of the space next…